RD Letters

Here are the letters from the Race Directors (Angela and BJ), in the order, they were sent out (most recent at the top).

28 May 2024 -Final San Diego 100 Update – Mandatory Briefing Video and Other Notes

Hi all,

Well, we are putting our final touches on our planning, and hopefully you are too! Just a few last notes before we see you . . . 

Briefing Video: It is up for your enjoyment (?) and is mandatory viewing. We do this instead of dragging you out to see us drone on and on, and instead you can watch us in fast forward and get it over with. There is a secret code word you need to pick up your bib. It ain’t complicated. There is also a Penny Pines supplemental video to try to answer questions we have been getting about this station in particular. That’s optional, but HIGHLY recommended if you have crew or pacer meeting you at Penny 1. With that being said and done . . . 

Penny Pines:Please watch the Penny Pines supplement, and it should answer your questions. In addition to those issues addressed in the video, the main question we have been getting is can a pacer park there and leave their car while pacing. The answer is yes, if they use your parking permit, meaning you would have no crew until that pacer can somehow get back to their car and deliver it to your crew and second pacer. Having said that, we are asking you (begging you) PLEASE not have your pacer park at Penny 1 and abandon their car. Parking spots at Penny are precious, and we would like to avoid having a car taking up one of those spots for 5 or 6 hours while they enjoy a fine night in the woods. There are plenty of other parking areas close to Penny Pines if you look on Google Maps, and if your pacer is strong enough to go 20 miles, they are strong enough to go 20.5 miles. We will have a parking monitor in that location. Anyone, ANYONE, caught parking there without a race issued parking pass and then assisting a runner will result in an AUTOMATIC DQ. No questions asked. So please, help us out and plan accordingly. 

Drop bags: We are letting you drop these off the day before the race if you like if you are picking up your bib early. However, please be aware that they will not be kept in a building but will be next to or in an open pavillion style tent. Given that, no open food or glass jars like pickle jars. Use common sense. While we have someone watching over them along with the rest of the start line stuff the night before the race, there are no guarantees that they won’t get a midnight visit from a vandal or a raccoon. Plan your risk accordingly. Please make sure they are labeled with your number and the station. We try to keep them in order to help our captains, so please pay attention to the numbering labels where you drop the bags off and try to keep them in order. 

Bib pick up: You can get your bib (if you know the secret code word from the video) on Thursday afternoon as outlined in the briefing. However, you MUST CHECK IN RACE MORNING BY 5:30 AM EVEN IF YOU HAVE YOUR BIB. Don’t make us call you out on the start line for grabbing your bib early and not checking in. We will publicly humiliate you. And we’re good at it. We will be hanging around on Thursday if you have any questions for us, or just come up and introduce yourselves and say hi! We would love the chance to thank you in person for running with us.

MANDATORY CREW MEETING AFTER START: After the start, there is a brief mandatory crew meeting to go over all the dos and don’ts with crews and pacers, and this is where the parking permit will be issued. If you can’t make this meeting, there is another at Red Tailed Roost at 4:30. Your crew (or whoever is going to be issued the pass) MUST attend one of these two meetings. For those meeting in the AM, you have plenty of time to attend the meeting, get breakfast, do Wordle, go for a jog, and STILL meet your runners. So don’t just scamper down the road, but wait a few and we’ll have a brief meeting to emphasize the rules. Crews are the number 1 threat to our permits, so there are strict rules with disqualification as a penalty for violations, and our permit requires these meetings. It will behoove your crews to attend. And to stress, you only get 1 parking pass, so you, as a runner, may not have multiple cars associated with you on the course. If you have a pacer separate from your crew, they must get dropped off by crew or someone else or park in a non-race area and travel by foot to meet you to pace you. 

NO Pets: No animals (other than wild ones!) allowed on our course or at our aid stations, service dogs excepted of course. This is one that has resulted in a disqualification. We love dogs, but they aren’t allowed on many of these trails, and it will be very hot on race day, so even if they were allowed, they would be very unhappy. Also, dogs can act weird with runner energy and cause issues. We have been witness to more than one dog bite at a running event. And no, your dog isn’t that special. If we are able to track your dog or your family’s dog or your friend’s dog to you, YOU will be penalized. Having said that, we had good success last time out at the start/finish line with having a dog area in the shade away from the start finish line, so that will be available in an absolute pinch if someone must bring your dog to watch you finish the race. But again, it is a lousy, lousy idea to bring your dog. Please don’t make us be hardasses on this. 

Runner tracking: Your families and friends can follow your adventures at Ultralive.net. Which is not live, but as best as we can do out here, so they can see what aid station you were last at and when. 

Solo v. Crewed: You can still change until Monday, June 3, but after that, we are out in the mountains getting ready and you are stuck in whatever category you signed up for. You cannot change mid-race if a pacer drops into your lap. If you start solo, you must stay solo or DNF. That goes for DNS as well. If you don’t drop from the race by June 3, you will be given a DNS as we don’t have a way to provide our aid stations and tracking folks with updated running rosters after that date.  

Volunteer Work: If you haven’t already, please let us know that you have either volunteered or make your donation to SURF in lieu of volunteer time. If you have donated, we get a record so you do not have to let us know about that. Otherwise, let us know you have met this requirement by sending us an email and letting us know. You will not be allowed to start if you do not have this completed. 

Weather: Long range forecasts show a gradual warming to slightly warmer than normal temps, although not broiling. Having said that, these are mountains (yes, we have mountains in San Diego County), and even more to the point, mountains on the edge of a desert, so things can change pretty rapidly one way or another. Please prepare accordingly. You can expect single digit humidity and temps feeling at least 10 degrees higher than they are during the day as well as constant winds between 10 to 20 mph, gusting higher. It will be very blustery especially on the PCT at night. Plan on drinking more than you usually do as the dry winds will suck the water right out of you. Our number 1 reason for DNF’s is dehydration from not staying on it early. Don’t be that runner. 

Post Race Party: Saturday, June 15, is the post-race party where you can tell your war stories and thank your volunteers and buy them a beer. It is at Hopnonymous Brewery which is located at 7705 Convoy Court in Kearney Mesa from 2 to 4 PM. Wear your SD 100 swag, and your first beer is on us. Please don’t be shy about buying any volunteers a beer. They will have earned it. 

OK, end of lecture! We are so ready to see everybody! As you go through your final preparations, please send us any questions you may have, AFTER making sure the answers aren’t in the briefing or racebook. 

See you suckers soon!

Angela and BJ

16 May 2024 -Update #5

Greetings SD 100 runners!!

So, we are about 3 weeks out, and we wanted to provide you with some further information now that we are getting close!  

Last Training Run – The Night Run! 

Training Run 5 is this Saturday, May 18. It is the Greg Bergeron night run. Spooky! Greg is a multiple-time SD 100 finisher who started a tradition of doing a night training run a few weeks before the race, which we then shamelessly co-opted. We used to go down to Cibbett’s Flat and back, but since it is a new course, we have a new run! 

We are going to start at 7 PM at Sweetwater Aid Station. It is also known as Harvey Moore Trailhead on Google Maps

The run will go from Sweetwater to PIne Creek Road aid station (8.1 miles). There will be light aid there and then turn around and retrace your steps back to your car for a total of 16.2 miles. Of course, as an out and back, you can go as far as you like. However, we would like you to get a look at the Harvey Moore climb which is a new one that is not heavily traveled. It’s a couple of pretty miles north through the Cuyamaca lower meadows until you make a dry creek crossing and head up the climb for a couple of more miles. From the top of that climb, you’ll make a left and descend about 1.75 miles down to Deer Park Road and make a right for about 1.5 miles with a steep short climb at the end to the aid. Then reverse! 

The course will be lightly marked at intersections with the same markers we use for SD 100 (orange ribbon attached to a clothespin with reflective tape). There will be no formal post-run get-together like past training runs, but it is not unusual for folks to hang out for a bit after the run under the stars. It’s a great chance to check out your night gear, and we hope we’ll see you all there! 

RD Q and A

OK, so this is likely to be a disaster. But we thought it might be of value to some people, particularly first-timers, to make ourselves available to answer any questions you or your crew might have, whether specifically about the race or just about running 100 miles in general or whatever. We’ll try to answer any questions you might have about anything. 

So, on Wednesday, May 22, at 6 PM Pacific, we are going to be on Zoom and available to answer any questions you might have. Please check your email (subject heading “Further update”) for the link and passcode.  

In complete candor, we are total Luddites, meaning that we both have very rudimentary Zoom skills at best. But we are dumb enough to think we can pull this off. It just may be bumpy. We’ll practice beforehand and hopefully figure it all out. All that being said, we’re excited to try to answer any questions you may have, and assuming it works, we’ll be there until the very last question is answered. If there are any.   

MANDATORY RACE BRIEFING VIDEO: This is coming, probably on Monday. You MUST watch this to pick up your bib. It is about a half-hour long. Just grin and bear it. Or skip the grinning and just bear it. We are doing you a favor by not making you sit through listening to us live. Please don’t make us regret this choice. We have placed a code word in the video. You must present this code word to pick up your bib. It is the only way we could think of to make sure you watched to get this important basic information. When you hear the code word, write it down and give it to the volunteer when you pick up your bib. Start looking for it next week, but we’ll send a reminder once it is up and via social media as well. 

MANDATORY CREW MEETING AFTER START: After the start, there will be a brief mandatory crew meeting to go over all the dos and don’ts with crews and pacers. This is where the crew parking pass will be distributed, to make sure we have had an opportunity to meet with the crews and explain everything in detail. Your crew will have plenty of time to attend the meeting, get breakfast, do Wordle, go for a jog, and STILL meet your runners at the first Crew station. So tell your crew not to just scamper down the road, but wait a few and we’ll have a brief meeting to emphasize the rules. Crews are the number 1 threat to our permits, so there are strict rules with disqualification as a penalty for violations. It will behoove your crews to attend. 

MANDATORY VOLUNTEER REQUIREMENT: Don’t forget to let us know you have volunteered or paid the waiver to support Trailfit. Don’t be that person that we have to track down the week of the race. Booooo. 

Wow, that’s a lot of Mandatory. We suck. 

OK, that’s all for now. We’ll have 1 more update when we are about a week out or so. 


Angela and BJ

RD’s, San Diego 100

13 April 2024 -Update #4

Hi all,

Not much by way of update other than a reminder that this is the last weekend to receive a refund, as the refund window closes April 15. After that, there will be absolutely no refunds, so please be sure you are where you want to be for your training. 

We’ll throw in another reminder about our next training run which is this Sunday from Penny Pines to Trout Pond, which is very close to the start/finish. Basically, it is the last 20 miles of the course. There will be an aid station at Sunrise, about 11 miles in. SURF is sponsoring a picnic after and there are rumors of a cookout . . . 

That’s all for now. OK, one more nag about getting your volunteer work done and letting us know about it. 

OK, that’s REALLY all for now. Hope to see many of you on Sunday! More info in early May about briefing videos, the night training run, and any other last-minute info that comes up. 

Angela and BJ

17th March 2024 -Update #3

Hey all,

Hope everyone is well into their training at this point. Just a few quick notes as we have great news . . . 


We are officially a go for the new course! So we have posted the 2024 Racebook. There’s lots of important information in there, so please take a good look. We made it available to download in PDF, but also in Word if you want to make notes as you prepare or customize it for your crew, etc. If you review that and the website and still have questions, please go ahead and reach out to us so we can get you that information as soon as possible. 

Training Runs

Thanks for those of you who joined us for a very cold and wet jaunt around the first 20 miles of the course or so. Very hardass for those of you who showed up and more hardass for those who stood around drinking beers with us after they were done. Well, those of us who didn’t give speeches about toughness and hid in our cars to stay warm after we were done (ahem). Hopefully, the next one, scheduled for March 30, will be a little more pleasant weather-wise. We scouted the trails for that run this week, and while there was a little snow at the top of Cuyamaca, they are holding up well, with just one big downed tree to navigate that will likely be there on race day given the size and location. This will definitely be a tough one, so a good way to check in on your training. As a reminder, it will not be a loop unless you want to run more than 30 miles total to get back to your vehicle, so please be sure to arrange for transportation back to your car if that doesn’t sound like a great idea. SURF will be providing aid somewhere along the line and finish-line refreshments.  

We will probably not provide a further update until after the 2 runs after that, so for those of you who have signed up recently, you can go under the “RD Letters” tab to look at past communications which includes all kinds of nuggets, including scheduled training runs with time, length and location. There is an absolute correlation between those who came to the training runs and finishes if you can make it. We’ll also continue to try to update via Twitter, Facebook, etc. as to the training runs. 


Please get your volunteering done ASAP. As noted in earlier communications, there is no form to send us. Just let us know, although we always like pictures just to see what you have been up to! 

Withdrawing and refunds

April 15 is absolutely the last day to drop and get a 50% refund. So please be honest with yourself about your training between now and then, as after that date, there are no refunds, even for injury, etc. At that point, we’ve ordered everything we need for the race, so that’s why we can’t do refunds after that date. If you’re going to get hurt, do it now! 🙂 

That’s all for now! Again, let us know if you check everything out and still have questions. You will probably hear from us again right before the April drop date. 


Angela and BJ

21st February 2024 -Update #2

Hello Runners!

Hopefully, many of you have started your training for San Diego 100 (its only 4 months away!). We are awaiting final word on our permits and getting everything ordered and ready as June will be here before you know it. With that in mind, we will be starting our training runs for the race in a few weeks. If you run all five of these training runs, you will cover about 95 percent of the course. Both of us will be out at all the runs, running with you or working an aid station and/or the finish line. If you have any questions about the race, you will have a captive audience to answer any of your concerns, and we would love to meet those of you we don’t know already.

Each of the runs will be between 20 and 25 miles as outlined below. We will have an aid station at some point along the run which we will mark with orange ribbon in case you miss the bright orange jugs or gallons of water. These aid stations will have water and maybe some Tailwind or gels. There will be snacks and beverages at the end, adult and otherwise. All are welcome to attend. You can expect the course to be lightly marked with ribbon at key turns, but you are highly advised to bring the GPX, a map and/or turn by turn directions with you. 

Each of the runs will start at 7 AM with the exception of the night run (!!) with a little briefing by the RD’s about key turns and what to expect for your day. When the runs finish, of course, is up to you. 

Training Run #1 – Saturday, March 2 – Start (Trout Pond) to Middle Peak

We will do the first 18ish miles of the race. The race will start at the Los Vaqueros trailhead, also known as Big Bend, just south of Lake Cuyamaca as opposed to the Lake itself to save the parking fee. The run will quickly join the SD 100 course at about mile 1 and go around the lake, down behind Stonewall before going around its north face and up and over! The course then goes back to Trout Pond for an aid station at about 12 miles before going up and over Middle Peak to 4 corners, where you will leave the course for a quick 1.5 mile run down Milk Ranch Road to Trout Pond and your car. 

Training Run #2 – Saturday, March 30 – Trout Pond to Sweetwater (and back?) 

This run is about 25 miles and designed as a point to point. You will need to provide your own transportation from the finish (Sweetwater) to the start (Trout Pond), about 7 miles on Highway 79. Alternatively, you can close the loop on foot by traveling about 7 miles down West Side Trail to Paso Picacho and running the road or the Los Vaqueros route from there for roughly a 50k. But we are not marking it as a loop and if you choose to finish on foot, you are responsible for your own navigation. 

The course will start at the Los Vaqueros trailhead at Trout Pond and go up Milk Ranch Road, joining the course where the last run left off. From 4 corners you will go up Canejo to the Peak (yes the course goes all the way to the top!) and then traversing down through a series of lightly used trails, past the Airplane Monument where a training bomber crashed and they left the engine as a memorial, down to Green Valley where SURF is going to supply a mid-run aid station. From there you will navigate to Pine Valley Trail and do a counter clockwise turn around some of Cuyamaca Rancho’s least used but prettiest trails. There will be at least 1 water crossing, so don’t wear your Sunday best. Once you SAFELY cross Highway 79, you will finish a climb to the Harvey Moore climb and down to Sweetwater where SURF will have a finish line spread set up for everyone. 

Training Run #3 – Sunday April 7 – Penny Pines Loop

This is a classic 20 miler where you will run from Penny Pines 1 through the meadows of the Lagunas hitting both the Meadows and Red Tail aid stations and then crossing Sunrise Highway over to the PCT with tremendous views where you will return to Penny Pines 2 and your cars. This entire run is on the course (miles roughly 60 to 80) and will give you an opportunity during the day to see what most of you only will only see at night! There will be limited aid at Red Tail Roost, and no marking on the PCT. If you can’t stay on the PCT, you probably shouldn’t be out here. 

Training Run #4 – Sunday, April 14 – Penny Pines to Trout Pond

Another point to point run covering the last 20 or so miles to the finish. You will run on the PCT from Penny Pines to Sunrise. Don’t miss the turn to Sunrise or you will end up in Canada. From there you will work your way on the old course back to Trout Pond/Los Vaqueros trailhead with some beautiful meadow running. Again, you will be responsible for your own transportation, but we’ll have aid at Sunrise to help you on your way!

Training Run #5 – Saturday, May 18 – Sweetwater to Big Oak and back

The night run! Greg Bergeron first started an informal night training run and we stole, er appropriated, er borrowed the idea from him. Starting at 7 PM, we will run from Sweetwater to Big Oak and back, about 16 miles. This is a part of the course, and the park, that many haven’t seen, and it is hard to incorporate into a loop or even an out and back. So on this run you go as far out and back as you like, though there will be an official turn around at Big Oak, where the dirt hits the pavement. The Harvey Moore climb is a big one and good to see before race day. No aid or post race refreshments on this one. 

So, that’s the schedule and the general lay out if you want a semi-supported run to see part of the course (or 5 semi-supported runs to see almost all of the course!). We absolutely cannot provide transportation on the point to point runs. We encourage you to use our Facebook page and/or Twitter and/or Instagram to make arrangements with your fellow runners to figure out how you all get rides from the finish of the run to the start. If you have any questions about where to park or start or finish, please get in touch with us, and we will help you any way we can. Again, we will be on social media with more info and details for each of the runs as we get closer. 

Now here comes the legal mumbo jumbo. These are self-supported runs to which you (and anyone who is interested whether in the race or not) are invited. While we will provide limited aid as outlined above, you must be self -sufficient on these runs and not count on anything we provide. We are only very lightly marking the course, and even then its just for confidence, so you should have the GPX, a copy of the map and turn by turn instructions found in the racebook to assist you. We will have a brief talk before everyone heads out about major turns to look out for, but you are on your own for navigation. If you are nervous about it, try to hook up with someone who has run the course before, or saddle yourself with one of the RD’s who should know how to get there. Theoretically. And please make sure you have arranged some kind of transportation from the finish to the start. We won’t leave anyone stranded, but we don’t have a shuttle or anything either, so please reach out to your fellow runners and don’t be shy. 

Trail work/Volunteer requirement

In other news, it has been a wet winter, and Ken Bonus and his Trailfit crew have quite the Spring ahead of them clearing the trails. (For those of you out of town –  yes we do get rain in the San Diego County mountains  – kinda). For those who are local, we encourage you to get your volunteer hours with Trailfit and clear the trails you will be racing on from a hard winter to fulfill your volunteer requirement. Rumor has it Ken provides beer if you work with Trailfit, but no promises. IF you can’t work on those trails, there are several other groups including Daley Ranch and Mission Trails that are always looking for volunteers. Regardless, please get your trailwork and/or race volunteering done and let us know about it. There is no trailwork form, we believe in the honor system. But we love pictures to see what you all have been up to!

That’s all for now. Please e-mail us if you have any questions or concerns and follow us on social media for race nuggets and additional information. We are here to make sure you have a great race and your best chance to succeed come race day. Our biggest reward is hanging a medal around each of your necks after you finish. If there is anything we can help do to make that happen (apart from providing a Go Kart ride to the finish), please let us know. 

More updates next month or as conditions warrant.  Looking forward to seeing you at one of the training runs or in June for the big event!

Angela and BJ

RD’s, San Diego 100

8th January 2024 – Run Letter #1

2024 San Diego 100 Mile Entrants,                         

Congratulations on entering the San Diego 100 Mile Endurance Run!  A journey of 1000 miles starts with a single step, and we applaud your courage in deciding to join us this June. 

This is the first of a (hopefully) brief series of letters intended to help prepare you for the challenge of running 100 miles over some of Southern California’s most scenic and rugged trails. Over 250 experienced and passionate ultra-trail volunteers are committed to help you succeed in this amazing endeavor. For those who have run the race before, I’m sure you’ll agree that we have the best volunteer corps in the business. We are looking forward to showing off some of the finest scenery in Southern California and are very humbled and appreciative of your decision to run with us. It is a responsibility we do not take lightly, and we look forward to trying to give you the very best race experience possible.  

We are also very pleased to see that we have almost half the field who have opted to run in the Solo Division without the aid or support of a crew and pacers. Anyone who would like to change from or to Solo Division can do so up until May 29. Just email us with your preference to change. 

If you haven’t already done so, please take time to thoroughly review the information on the race web site at: www.sandiego100.com.  We’ve worked diligently to create a comprehensive site that includes detailed information/links to assist in your planning and preparations. We apologize that there are a few missing pieces as of now, including internal aid station cutoffs and some information regarding pacers. As many of you know, this is a brand new course this year, and we are working with our permitting partners to answer some of those questions. With that being said, we will post the cutoffs at the various aid stations as well as information as to when you can meet pacers, etc. no later than the end of the month. We will have the Runners Handbook up no later than mid-February with even more detailed information. We appreciate your patience. 

In the meantime, if you don’t see something you need on the site , don’t hesitate to reach out to us and ask us questions. We are here to help and make your race experience the best it can be.

Below are some important early reminders:

  1. Lodging (to include camping and RV space) is very limited in early June. It’s extremely important to make arrangements/reservations soon. There are camping and RV sites at Lake Cuyamaca and at the adjoining Chambers Park (east side of Lake Cuyamaca).  Many of the cabins at Lake Cuyamaca are already reserved for race weekend volunteers but there may be still a few available to rent.  Reservations for Lake Cuyamaca/Chambers can be arranged through the Lake Cuyamaca web site: www.lakecuyamaca.org.
  1. Julian is 9 miles from Lake Cuyamaca and has several lodging options annotated on the Julian Chamber of Commerce web site.  Many people also stay in Alpine which is about 30 minutes from the start and has all the amenities you could hope for including a fantastic brewery and a large casino. Also consider Mt Laguna Lodge and Paso Picacho and Green Valley California State Campgrounds. 
  2. A requirement for participation at SD 100 is working 6 hours of trail maintenance or volunteering at a race, community or charity event if trail maintenance is not possible.  The time period for this volunteer service is from mid-June 2023 to May 31, 2024.  If you reside in the greater San Diego area, we hope and expect you to accomplish your trail work on the SD 100 trails you’ll be running.  The San Diego Trailfit web site (www.sdtrailfit.org) has information and signup dates.  SD Trailfit outings will have post work refreshments for everyone.  It is the responsibility of all entrants to let the Race Directors know that you have completed the work by May 31, 2023This is a requisite for participation and anyone who does not accomplish 6 hours of volunteer service will not be allowed to run the race. We don’t have a form for you to fill out. You are on your honor, but trail karma is a mutha, so no BS! You can also choose to donate $100 which goes to support SURF, Trailfit, Lake Cuyamaca and our volunteers in lieu of your personal service. 
  1. San Diego 100 offers a 50% refund for any entrant who withdraws by notifying the RD prior to April 15. There are no refunds after April 15 since after that date all funds are obligated, permits are finalized, and the waitlist is concluded.  There are no rollovers or transfer of race entrant fees.
  1. In addition to the San Diego web site, the race has a Facebook Page (the Official San Diego 100) as well as an Instragram and Twitter account which are linked on the San Diego 100 webpage.  No vital information will be posted solely on social media, but there will be lots of fun nuggets going up on the various accounts, and we encourage you to log on and check it out sometime. Having said that, the primary method to disseminate race information is through your email address that you used to sign up on Ultrasignup.  If you change your email address, please contact us with your new address, so as to continue to receive all Race Information Letters.  Also, please periodically check the race web site homepage for updates.  If you have any questions or concerns that are not addressed on the web site, feel free to contact us anytime at: sandiego100RD@gmail.com. You are responsible for any and all information in the e-mails sent to you, so please read them.
  1. There will be a series informal training runs offered that will cover over 90% of the course. They will begin in mid to late March, and the information will be sent via e-mail as well as social media. We will have a schedule for these runs by the end of the month. You will have the “pleasure” of both of the RDs at these training runs, so if you want to ask us any questions about the race, we will be there. Everyone is welcome, whether signed up to run with us or not. We hope to have an unmanned aid station and some surprises on these runs as well as snacks and beverages at the end to encourage you to linger after you are done and meet your fellow runners, so stay tuned with more details to come. Again, we encourage you to follow SD 100 on social media to get the latest.

7.   San Diego 100 is cupless, so you will need to bring your own cup and/or bottle for filling with drinks, soup, coffee, etc. at aid stations. For those who haven’t had to run a cupless race yet, several companies make nifty little foldable cups, many with a loop for attaching to a clip, that are lightweight, stand on their own, and can be used for both hot and cold drinks. We will have some version of one of those for sale       at no profit to us on race weekend and possibly through the web site if there seems to be any kind of demand for it. 

Finally, on behalf of our awesome volunteers, we wish you the very best of training along with your other race preparations!  We’ll look forward to seeing you at the race and shaking your hand when you cross the finish line of this “sneaky hard course”.  Talk to you again in February with more information regarding the training runs!

Happy Trails,  

Angela and Bj